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Kate Living Story



Invest in our new anti-inflammatory masterclass to reduce inflammation, fatigue, bloating & brain fog in 14 days.

If you want to resolve your ongoing health issues once and for all, then these exciting masterclasses are for you!

Join our Anti-Inflammatory Masterclass 31st July, 7-8pm UK time (replay available).

In this anti-inflammatory masterclass we will explore:

How inflammation is at the root cause of most health issues, from fatigue to weight gain, brain fog to bloating, hormonal imbalances to skin issues, joint pain to poor sleep, and acute to chronic illnesses.

This anti-inflammatory masterclass will teach you how to go from feeling fatigued, stressed, inflamed, bloated and far from your best self, to a version of you that is energised, focused and radiating health, vitality and longevity!

Once we reduce inflammation in the body, everything changes and in this masterclass we teach you exactly how to do this, covering strategies and topics such as:

  • The difference between acute and chronic inflammation.
  • Why most people are highly inflamed and what are the symptoms.
  • How to reduce inflammation in the body with nutrition, lifestyle and supplements.
  • The importance of having the correct omega 3:6 balance for reducing inflammation.
  • Why you need to take olive oil daily with omega 3 to reduce inflammation properly.
  • How to take omega 3 and the best and safest forms of omega 3 supplements to take.
  • Which is the best olive oil to take (so you're not wasting your money on the wrong ones!)
  • How children take omega 3 and olive oil to reduce inflammation and the best supplement for this.
  • At home inflammation blood testing for looking at inflammation levels and cellular health in the body.

This is one of the most informative and mind-blowing masterclasses you can invest in to gain the tools and understanding to transform your health at a cellular level.


  • There will also be an exclusive promotion for people who wish to invest in supplements and/or blood testing to reduce their inflammation to give their health a complete 180!
  • This masterclass will help initiate the start of an exciting and empowering journey of self care, gaining the knowledge around your personal health to create sustainable changes for a lifetime.
  • With a background in pharmaceuticals, functional medicine, naturopathic nutrition and yoga, I will discuss a fully comprehensive and holistic approach to reducing inflammation that feels exciting, enjoyable and empowering.


  • Poor immunity, unresolved health issues and ongoing illnesses.
  • Hormonal imbalances, like heavy, painful periods, mood swings, PMS, PMDD, PCOS, endometriosis, peri-menopause, menopause, infertility or irregular cycles.
  • Skin issues like acne, psoriasis, eczema, inflamed or ageing skin and hair thinning or falling out.
  • Digestive problems like bloating, constipation, gas or IBS.
  • Fatigue, overwhelm, exhaustion, stress, anxiety or low mood.
  • Brain fog, poor memory or energy crashes throughout the day.
  • Trouble sleeping, staying asleep or waking up tired no matter how much sleep you get.
  • A crappy relationship with food, irregular appetite, overeating, sweet or salty food cravings.
  • Sluggish metabolism, bloating, struggle to lose weight, weight gain or low thyroid.
  • Low libido, lack of motivation or lack of self confidence.

BUT you're ready to gain the knowledge to create sustainable and balanced health to feel amazing each day.

This isn't about investing in just a masterclass, but gaining access to the tools, testing and expertise to meet the healthiest and happiest version of you!

What's included:

  • 60 minute inflammation masterclass via zoom (accessible from anywhere in the world) covering exactly how to reduce inflammation for a lifetime.
  • Exclusive promotion for inflammation blood testing and blood sugar blood testing with lab result interpretation.
  • Lifetime access to the masterclass recording covering all things nutrition, testing, supplements, lifestyle tools and recipes.
  • 10% discount across all Kate Living supplements.
  • Q&A: the opportunity to ask questions to get clarity on the answers you've been wanting for so long.

Ready to invest in a masterclass to reduce inflammation for life?

Buy your ticket below with a 50% EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT (saving £22) for those who sign up before Friday 26th July.

Date: Wednesday 31st July 7-8pm (UK time) via Zoom (available globally).

Those who attend the masterclass live will have the opportunity to ask questions and receive details of the exclusive promotion on inflammation blood testing.

The recording will be sent out within 48 hours of the masterclass.

Zoom links will be sent out following payment and recordings following the masterclass.