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Liver Detox Supplements

The Best Liver Detox Supplements

Liver Detox Supplements: Your Liver's Best Friends

The liver is our largest and heaviest organ and I also like to refer to it as our ‘longevity organ’. It is also our primary detoxification organ, working hard with the digestive system in removing all the nasty stuff we definitely don’t want in our body. This could be toxins from the food we eat, the air we breathe, the products we use on our skin, and the chemicals we use for cleaning!

When our liver isn’t living its best life and its detoxifying powers are not at their peak, these toxins end up back in the bloodstream, causing issues like inflammation, eczema, hormonal imbalances, weight gain and fatigue.

According to ancient medicines like Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the liver is also where we hold emotions such as anger, sadness, and anxiety. So, supporting your liver isn’t just about physical health, it also enhances your emotional wellbeing, freeing you from emotional burdens.

Got the gist of why we love the liver? If you're ever struggling with brain fog, skin issues, hormonal imbalances, mood irregularities, or just feel like your body is screaming overload, read on to discover our go-to liver loving supplements for optimal detoxification and health.

The Natural Liver Detox

Enter Glutathione + SOD (known as ‘the youth molecule’)—the ultimate liver supplement. Clinical studies show it can renew your health in just 30 days. Glutathione is the master antioxidant for the liver, it helps to repair damaged liver cells and supports optimal detoxification, benefiting conditions from eczema to inflammation, fatigue to metabolic function.

Glutathione plays a crucial role in both phases of detoxification in the liver, helping to gather up all the toxins and neutralise them, making them water-soluble and easier to flush out of the body. It also revives other antioxidants like vitamins C and E, providing even more protection and support for the liver.

This antioxidant is truly extraordinary, with strong evidence showing it reduces the likes of fatty liver disease and cirrhosis, making it the best option for maintaining the integrity and function of the liver. It significantly reduces inflammation and is vital for optimal immune function, thanks to its huge benefits for the digestive system.

Who Benefits from This?

At Kate Living, we recommend the Natural Liver Detox bundle for those needing a thorough cleanse—whether dealing with hormonal imbalances, poor metabolism, high inflammation infertility, stubborn skin issues, or irregular liver markers from recent blood tests.

We recommend taking the Natural Liver Detox for 4-12 weeks, with one capsule in the morning and one in the evening. Ideally, do this 1-4 times a year. If you would like more information on whether this is suitable for you, or need guidance on dosage and course length, please get in touch.

Pure & Wild Omega 3

You know us—we love a good fish oil, and we are huge advocates of keeping our omega ratio at optimal levels. Here’s why: if your body is deficient in omega-3, it simply cannot absorb nutrients or proteins because our cells become hard and rigid. And we don’t want rigid cells; we want squishy, permeable cells that readily absorb nutrients!

Omega-3 offers numerous benefits for the liver. With its potent anti-inflammatory properties, it can help reduce liver inflammation, protect liver cells, and regulate cholesterol. By reducing triglycerides and improving the balance of HDL (good) and LDL (bad) cholesterol, omega-3 supports the liver's crucial role in cholesterol management.

Omega-3 can also improve insulin sensitivity, which helps manage type 2 diabetes, supports overall metabolic health, and gives a good nudge in the right direction when trying to lose weight.

Who Benefits from This?

EVERYONE! We’ll shout it louder for those in the back: EVERYONE! It’s not just for liver health, but for general wellness and vitality, and to make sure you’re getting the most of all your other nutrients and supplements. Who wants to spend money on supplements if they might not be working?

So, there you have it. Whether you're aiming to enhance your liver health or boost your overall wellbeing, Pure & Wild Omega 3 is a must have in your daily routine. Keep those cells squishy and those nutrients flowing!

Terranova Milk Thistle 

Milk thistle has been used for centuries for its incredible liver protective properties. Like glutathione, milk thistle offers potent antioxidant benefits that neutralise toxins, filters out harmful substances and expels them quickly through the digestive system, preventing recirculation.

Promoting liver cell regeneration, milk thistle is an excellent support for liver repair and maintenance. The liver faces daily stress from simply living and breathing, and while it has a remarkable ability to regenerate, this should not be taken for granted. Issues arising from a poorly functioning liver attempting to "heal itself" can be significant, making liver care a top priority.

Who Benefits from This?

We recommend milk thistle for those regularly exposed to toxins, such as alcohol, medications (always check for interactions first), processed foods, and environmental pollutants from cleaning products or cosmetics, especially for those in the beauty industry. It's also beneficial for city dwellers who feel stressed or emotionally drained, as the liver can be overwhelmed by environmental factors, not just alcohol consumption.

By incorporating Terranova Milk Thistle into your evening supplement routine, you’re giving your liver the support it needs to work efficiently, repair and rejuvenate while you sleep. This incredible herb helps keep you feeling your best both physically and emotionally. Milk thistle is safe for long-term use, making it an excellent option for maintaining liver health.

Let’s Start Loving Our Liver

We hope you've enjoyed learning about your liver. It's truly an essential organ, deserving of respect and care which will benefit your vitality and longevity tremendously!

If you'd like more guidance on which supplements might be best for you, please reach out to us. We love helping you make informed choices about your health. If you're currently on medication and considering liver supplements, get in touch so we can discuss the best options and potential interactions with your medication.

With an exciting summer ahead, if you know your liver will need some extra love, give these supplements a try—your liver will thank you for it. And remember, just because you don't drink alcohol doesn't mean your liver is in the clear. As we've discussed, simply living and breathing can strain our liver. Just like your car needs an MOT, your liver—the engine of your energy and metabolism—needs regular TLC to keep your body running smoothly without any breakdowns!

Take care of your liver, and it will take care of you. Here's to a healthy, happy liver and a vibrant you!

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